Those people who spend on average four-hours or more a day sitting in front of the television are 80% more likely to die from heart disease compared to people who sit in a sedentary state for two-hours or less.
"Ah", I hear someone say, There must have been other factors. Perhaps the couch potatoes didn't exercise. According to study findings, increased mortality rates applied even to those who exercised regularly and ate well.
Another study, "Sitting Time and Mortality From All Causes..." reported similar findings. The report's conclusion:
These data demonstrate a dose-response association between sitting time and mortality from all causes and CVD, independent of leisure time physical activity. In addition to the promotion of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity and a healthy weight, physicians should discourage sitting for extended periods.
Stand Up and Step Out
The human body is designed to move. Most of us, however, aren't doing the right kind of moving. We move from one chair to another throughout the day. We sit in traffic, often for 90 minutes to two-hours or more daily. Many of us sit at computers hours on end.
When we go to lunch we sit down for another 30 or more minutes of mindless eating, only to return to our desk chair for more hours of sitting in front of a computer screen.
One Simple Thing
How easy would it be to add just a few more steps and a few more minutes of head to toe vertical positions in your day? Studies show that people who do one simple thing will on average walk an extra mile a day.
What's that simple thing? Slip on a pedometer. Knowing you're wearing a pedometer is passive motivation to take a few more steps every day--and add a few more years to life! It's one of those small changes that over time bring big results.
Check out this Fox News report by clicking Consumer Reports: Pedometers. You'll be stepping in the right direction when you do.
Steve Carter
Stress Solutions, LLC
Home of the Weight for Wellness(TM) Program
1-888-849-5040 | International: 1-804-677-6772
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