Monday, December 9, 2013

Think Red and Be a "Loser"

Can the color of a plate or cup influence the amount of food and drink you consume? According to two studies reported in the journal, "Appetite" the answer is, "Yes". 

In the first study researchers investigated the effects of serving soft drink in red and blue labeled cups. Study participants drank less from red labeled cups compared to blue labeled cups. The amount of soft drink consumed in blue cups was nearly twice the amount consumed in red cups.

In the second study, researchers looked at the amount of food consumed when study participants were served equal portions of snack foods on red, blue and white plates. Again, red was the "loser". Less food was consumed from red plates compared to blue and white plates.

Why Red Affects Our Food and Drink Consumption:

Why does red affect our food consumption? Researchers theorize the color red is associated with prohibited behavior. Think red traffic lights and red "Danger" signs.

Some experts also suggest that blue and black plates reduce consumption, although in this cited study, red was the better color compared to blue.

Size Matters:

Other studies show the size of plates also influences how much food is consumed. All things being equal, on average the net amount of food consumed per person over a given timeframe is less when food is served on small plates compared to larger size plates.

"Why", you might wonder, "does this happen?"

It's in part caused by a trick of perception: the same amount of food will seem small when looked at on a large plate and more generous when looked at on a small plate. 

So, this holiday season think "small" and think "red". Your waistline will thank you!

Study abstract link: Click HERE

Stephen Carter

Stress Solutions, LLC

Important Note: This and all other postings to this blog are for informational purposes only. This and all other posts are not intended to diagnose, treat, or otherwise recommend any treatment for any medical or psychological condition. Anyone using any of the information contained in this or any other posting on this website does so at his or her own risk. You are urged to seek competent medical consultations with appropriate licensed medical professionals for any and all medical or physical conditions.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

CPR For Holiday Overeating

Thanksgiving is traditionally the holiday season kickoff event. Between Turkey Day and New Year's Day, many of us manage to pack on pounds despite our best intentions to watch our waistline and eat sensibly.

Ah, but alas, there are sooooo... many temptations: Co-workers bring in cookies and cakes; gatherings with family and friends feature high calorie and high sugar goodies that delight our senses and seduce us into having, "just one more..."

Choose to Make Healthier Eating Decisions:

If you're choosing to make healthier eating decisions this holiday season, I invite you to download and use the CenterPoint Release (CPR) simple tapping protocol I developed for participants in our Weight for Wellness program.

This simple and effective four-point CPR tapping protocol can be done without anyone knowing you're taking action to control cravings and dissolve uncomfortable feelings that can lead to emotion driven eating. 

To learn how to use CPR without people knowing you're doing so, you'll want to listen to the entire short audio guide. The "Secret Tapping" is explained after the basic physical tapping protocol is described.

Emotions and Food - A Health Challenging Combination:

For some of us the holidays are anything but joyous. In addition to cravings, this CPR protocol  can also help release painful feelings that may flow from loneliness, sadness at the loss of loved ones, and other challenging life experiences.

To listen to the audio in streaming audio mode (through your computer), visit:

To download the audio to your computer, smartphone, or MP3 player for listening anytime, click: 

Questions and Help:

If you have questions about the CPR protocol or would like individual 1-to-1 help, please be in touch by phone at: 804-677-6772 or email at:

PDF Instruction Page:

In addition to the audio guide (links above), you'll find a one-page PDF describing how to apply the CPR method by clicking  HERE

Blessings, light, and love,


P.S. If you would like to share the CPR method audio with others who may benefit (Facebook, etc.), please do so. More information about Meridian Tapping Techniques and their effectiveness is available on my website at:

P.P.S. I would love to hear about your experiences using CPR. Please email me at: and share your experiences.

Stress Solutions, LLC | 804-677-6772

Making positive choices easy!