Photo by Amanda Mills |
For those who know Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) or other tapping method, you will, of course, want to use those skills throughout the day to keep stress down and commitment up.
To learn about EFT, visit
To learn about EFT, visit
Additional Practices for Your Self-Regulation Toolbox:
Two additional practices I believe are worthy additions to your self-regulation toolbox are:
- Become mindfully aware of where in your body you're feeling a particular craving / temptation. Notice it; notice how strong it feels; touch that area with your hands. Then, as you notice it, say in mind or out loud,
"It's only a feeling; this too shall pass. Soften, soften, soften and flow, it's only an energy, where does it want to go? Soften and flow..."
- Given we live in the ocean of emotion created by thought, another way to dissolve or lower craving sensations is to notice what thought(s) emerge immediately before sensations arise. Upon noticing the thought, say out loud or in mind,
"Hm...There is a thought. It's only a thought.",
and let the thought float by like a cloud moves in the summer sky.
It's Only a Thought:
Recognizing that thoughts are, well, just thoughts, places our conscious awareness in an observer role. We do not become immersed in the thought; we're above it, beyond it. Soon the thought will be replaced with a different thought, and then another. As the thoughts float away, so too do the sensations and cravings.
We have thoughts, but we are not our thoughts. We have feelings, but we are not our feelings. We're greater than our thoughts and feelings. Recognizing that truth places us firmly in the driver's seat of life.
The article link for, "How to Outsmart Any Temptation With These 5 Science Based Tricks", is:
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Stephen Carter
CEO, Stress Solutions, LLC |
Important Note: This and all other postings to this blog are for informational purposes only. This and all other posts are not intended to diagnose, treat, or otherwise recommend any treatment for any medical or psychological condition. Anyone using any of the information contained in this or any other posting on this website does so at his or her own risk. You are urged to seek competent medical consultations with appropriate licenced medical professionals for any and all medical or physical conditions.