Are you tired of counting calories as part of your weight loss efforts? In this episode of the,“Weight for Wellness Show" podcast, you’ll discover a better way to achieve your weight loss goals according to a new Stanford University study.
Stanford University Study
In a 12-month study of 609 people published in the, “Journal of the American Medical Association, Stanford University researchers compared results of those dieters choosing to eat whole, unprocessed foods with other dieters choosing a calorie counting strategy to manage food consumption. The result? There was no appreciable difference in weight loss results between the two study groups.
Another interesting finding was there is no specific insulin level range associated with dietary effects nor were there specific gene patterns that affected which diet resulted in greater weight loss.
So what makes the eat healthy approach better than counting calories? It’s far easier to manage and the quality of your food is likely to be far better.
It’s no secret that avoiding processed food is a healthier dietary strategy compared to consuming processed food loaded with preservatives, sugar, and other chemicals you can’t pronounce.
Not All Calories are Equal
If you’re only counting calories, a handful of cookies or a healthy salad loaded with fruits and vegetables could both count as a hundred calories. Obviously, not all calories are equal. Choose quality and you’re way ahead of the healthy eating game.
While not mentioned in the study, in my experience you get bonus points by choosing organic fruits and veggies. especially if those organic fruits and veggies are grown close to you.
I suggest if you can, choose to buy locally grown fruits and veggies. When you shop at local farmers markets, you can usually talk with the farmers who produce the food. Talk with them about their farming practices and purchase from those who are growing crops in a healthy, sustainable way.
The Quality of Your Food Matters
The bottom line is the quality of your food matters. Diet alone may not be enough to achieve your weight loss goals. Typically, exercise will need to be a part of a successful strategy to achieve and maintain a healthy weight. Of course you’ll want to talk with your doctor about diet and exercise before choosing a weight loss program.
That said, in my experience its far easier and sustainable to consistently choose healthy food rather than have my nose buried in a long list of calorie counts for hundreds of food items.
Blessings, light, and wellbeing,
Steve Carter
Stress Solutions, LLC | www.EFT-MD.com |
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Eating 'better' is better than counting calories for weight loss, study finds
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