Recent research at Tufts University identified 63 gene variants related to obesity. Researchers suggest that limiting saturated fat consumption may be helpful for those whose genetic makeup places them at increased risk of obesity.
In a separate study appearing in the April 9, 2014, Journal of the National Cancer Institue, high total and saturated fat intake showed an association with certain types of breast cancer.
Bottom line: Think carefully before loading up on saturated fats. Like in so many arenas of life, when it comes to saturated fat consumption moderation may be a useful mantra.
Article links below.
Warm blessings,
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Stephen Carter
CEO, Stress Solutions, LLC |
Important Note: This and all other postings to this blog are for informational purposes only. This and all other posts are not intended to diagnose, treat, or otherwise recommend any treatment for any medical or psychological condition. Anyone using any of the information contained in this or any other posting on this website does so at his or her own risk. You are urged to seek competent medical consultations with appropriate licensed medical professionals for any and all medical or physical conditions.
Article Links:
1) "Study suggests that limiting saturated fat could help people with a genetic predisposition to obesity";
2) Consuming a high-fat diet is associated with increased risk of certain types of breast cancer
CDC Over Weight and Obesity Information and Strategies:
CDC Over Weight and Obesity Information and Strategies: