Monday, March 12, 2012

A Success Story - Small Changes Bring Big Results

"Huffpost Healthy Living" today is featuring a story about Kim Konkel, a 31-year old lady who started her weight loss journey weighing 236 pounds. She decided enough was enough and made a decision, a choice that she was going to change her eating habits and achieve a healthy weight.

Kim described her "Breaking Point" that occurred in March, 2011:
"I was sitting at my computer one day in March of 2011, and I read an article written by Dr. Oz. In the article he was talking about how to lose weight and he said cutting out just 100 calories a day could result in dropping 10 pounds in a year. I had been diagnosed with cervical cancer in December 2010, and I figured the healthier my body was the more likely I was to beat the cancer. I was drinking at least six sodas per day, so that really got me thinking. I did the math and realized by stopping drinking soda I could easily cut out over 700 calories a day, just that easily."
Sparkling water became her beverage of choice. She lost 12 pounds in the first month simply by eliminating sodas. With that success, she went on to make other health affirming changes. 

Today, she weighs 138 pounds, 98 pounds less than she weighed just 12-months ago. 

Do you think she's happy? You bet she is!

Small Changes Bring Big Results

As our Weight for Wellness(TM) members know, one secret to staying motivated and focused is to make small, incremental changes. Kim started by eliminating sodas. She then set achievable, incremental goals. 

Had Kim said to herself a year ago, "I'm going to loose a hudred pounds by this time next year", she may not have succeeded. Employing a step-by-step, small change strategy over time allowed her to achieve incremental goals and feel good about her progress along the journey. Achieving those near-term goals encouraged her to keep moving in the direction of better health choices and behaviors that brought her ultimate success.

And You?

How about you? Are you at a point in your life when enough is enough? 

If you would like help along the path to optimum health, call Stress Solutions, LLC toll-free at: 1-888-849-5040 (international: 1-804-677-6772) to learn more about our Weight for Wellness(TM) Coaching Program. There is no obligation whatsoever.

A Change in Life Begins With a Change of Mind

Remember, a change in life begins with a change of mind. Stress Solutions, LLC is in the mind changing business. Please call us now. You'll be happy you did.

Steve Carter

Stress Solutions, LLC
Home of the Weight for Wellness(TM) Coaching Program
Ph: Toll-Free: 1-888-849-5040; 1-804-677-6772

Monday, March 5, 2012

Food as Medicine - The Inspiring Story of Dr. Terry Wahls, MD

Following along our theme that, "What we eat matters", I happened across a fascinating TED video presentation by Terry Wahls, MD. 

In 2003, Dr. Wahls was diagnosed with secondary progressive multiple sclerosis. As a physician and professor at the University of Iowa's medical school, she had access to the best medical treatment available. 

Despite receiving the latest medicines and treatment protocols, her condition continued to deterioriate to the point she could only sit in a zero-gravity wheelchair. To move, she required two canes and could take only a few steps. Her prognosis was grime.

Having exhausted every treatment medical science had to offer, she desperately sought other options to save her life. Through that process, Dr. Wahls discovered the power of food as medicine.

Her Amazing Triumph

To say her recovery is amazing doesn't come close to describing the healing miracle she experienced. Being a medical school professor, she was able to conduct medical scientific studies to confirm the power of food as medicine.

Rather than tell you "the rest of the story", I encourage you to watch Dr. Wahls' presentation at the November 11, 2011 Iowa TED conference. 

I suggest also visiting her website at: to see photographs, read more about her story, and tap into great brain health information. 

To watch Dr. Wahl's TED conference presentation, click Here.

To preview or order her book describing the healing journey click,

Minding My Mitochondria 2nd Edition: How I overcame secondary progressive multiple sclerosis (MS) and got out of my wheelchair by Terry L. Wahls and Tom Nelson

Food Choice Matters

What we eat really does matter. I hope Dr. Wahl's story and research findings inspire you to consistently choose health supporting food. Your body will thank you.

Steve Carter

Stress Solutions, LLC
Home of the Weight for Wellness(TM) program

Ph: 804-677-6772 |